SOLID Seminars
SOLID is a lighthouse on 3D imaging of materials. SOLID host a seminar series which is intended for a broad audience and is open for everyone.
Find more info here. (
3D Imaging centre Seminars
The 3D Imaging Centre (3DIM), at DTU is a competence center for X-ray and neutron imaging. 3DIM hosts different seminars both in presence in DTU, building 310 and online.
Training course at ISIS
10 December 2021
In the absence of an annual ISIS Neutron Training Course, the ISIS SANS Group will be running a SANS-focused online training course in 2022. The course is aimed at researchers from any area who intend to or already do use SANS in their research, regardless of discipline or institution. The key criterion is that participants should expect to use the SANS instruments at ISIS in their research.
The course will include a general overview of small-angle neutron scattering, performing measurements and data processing and analysis, and an introduction to more advanced data analysis in a variety of areas. The course will include both webinars and hands-on practice using the IDAaaS cloud computing environment.
The course will be held from 1-10 February 2022, with teaching running from 13:30-17:00 GMT on weekdays. Due to available computing resources, the number of participants is limited to 50. Registration is open now and will close on 10 December 2021.
Full details are available on the course website:
DanScatt Annual Meeting 2021
8-9 October 2021
DanScatt annual meeting 2021 will be on October 8 and 9 at DTU Campus in Lyngby – warming up with an XFEL workshop from October 7 on the same location.
Find programs here:
XFEL Workshop program:
Annual Meeting program:
CINEMAX Summer School
23 – 27 August 2021
Sign up and read more here at
The Ultrafast X-ray Summer School 2021
June 14-18, 2021
(UXSS 2021, will take place as an online event from June 14-18, 2021.
UXSS is an annual event jointly organized by the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) and the Stanford PULSE Institute at SLAC. UXSS is intended to introduce students and postdocs to the latest science enabled by X-ray Free Electron Lasers. The program will be highly interdisciplinary, with topics ranging from materials physics to structural biology. The list of confirmed speakers can be found below. There will also be a coursework exercise involving a mock proposal for the European XFEL, with the help of experienced mentors.
Due to travel restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, UXSS 2021 will be held entirely online as a remote summer school.
Registration is free of charge and open till Monday, June 7 (
Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL)
Simon Gerber (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Filipe Maia (Uppsala University)
Martin Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark)
Fivos Perakis (Stockholm University)
Nina Rohringer (University of Hamburg/DESY)
Daniel Rolles (Kansas State University)
Ilme Schlichting (MPI for Medical Research)
Ulf Zastrau (European XFEL)
The Danish Science Festival
23 – 29 April
There are 91 different events included in the program, LINX has contributed to seven of the them.
Mariam Ahmad is giving a presentation on the world of organic solar cells with X-rays, Martin Alm on how scientists steal from nature and Kim Lefmann is giving a talk about the Nordic region will be a mecca for world-leading research in new materials.
See the full program here:
Nordic Workshop on Scattering from Soft Matter 2021, NSSM2021
12-13 January 2021, lunch to lunch
Helsinki, Finland
Organizer: Ville Liljeström and Kostiainen Mauri
ESS and ILL European User Meeting
23 – 25 September 25 2020
The meeting will take place as a digital conference on the originally planned dates, i.e. from Sept 23, 2020 to Sept 25, 2020.
We shall have a number of speakers on using neutron science to meet the societal challenges, exchange with the user community as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ESS and ILL.
Topical workshops – replacing the initially planned parallel sessions – will be organized shortly after the user meeting later in 2020.
More details will soon be made available on the web site at
DanScatt Annual Meeting 2020
19-20 August 2020
DanScatt annual meeting 2020 will be on August 19 and 20 at DTU Campus in Lyngby – warming up with an XFEL workshop from August 18 on the same location.
Find more info on
XFEL Workshop
18-19 August 2020, lunch to lunch
DTU, Lyngby
In June, 2020
LINXS, Lund Institute of advanced Neutron and X-Ray Science, invites researchers to a web-seminar series introducing x-ray and neutron science from a methods perspective. The aim is to create a fundamental understanding of how you as a researcher can use x-rays and neutrons in your own research.
The webinars are free to attend and open to all researchers from around the world. You do not need any in-depth knowledge of x-rays and neutron methods. If you are curious to get to know how the matters interact at atomic level, you are most welcome to dive deeper into the atoms with us.
The first webinar is on 3rd June,
Read more and register here:
Postponed to 2021:
LINX Event – Workshop: An Introduction to surface x-ray and neutron scattering technique
Lund, Sweden
More info:
16th International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering (SXNS16)
Lund, Sweden
More info: